
Sunday 8 June 2014


I did the inevitable.  I bought yarn.  I told myself I wouldn’t but somehow it happened.  I was meeting a friend for tea and cake but she got there a little early so I met her in the haberdashery rather than the cafe...and I bought three skeins of yarn.  They were in the discount bin though and I (almost) have a plan for them.

The first is Rowan Wool Cotton in shade 00951 Tender.  I love the colour.  Socks have been on my to do list for a while and I think this yarn will work nicely.  Watch this space.

The next purchase was two skeins of Debbie Bliss Winter Garden in Silver Birch.  My mum has been asking for a cowl similar to my first knit for a while now I’m going to use it to knit her something similar.  The yarn is so soft it will be perfect for a scarf or cowl.


 Let the pattern hunting begin!

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